domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Volviendo a la accion ;)

jajaja, que titulo tonto, lo se...pero con mi personalidad no? :D
gente lectora del blog, que se que no es mucha, por nuestra culpa xD les pido disculpas por no haberles traiido la informacion a tiempo, pero por dificultades tecnicas el blog estuvo cerrado un tiempo :)
pero bueno , volvimos, es lo importante :D
Bueno...les voy a contar que termine de leer Breakin verdad, las misses lo tomaron al libro de diferente manera que yo , puesto que no les gusto al principio pero luego dijeron " es exactamente lo que Meyer haria, me encanto :) " jajaja :P la verdad, es que desde el principio me gusto el libro, y me parecio una idea genial la de dividir el libro en 2 partes, una narrada por Jacob y la otra narrada por Bella :) porque ellos tienen dos puntos de vista diferentes, y que hacen que la historia sea interesante. Ademas de eso, se narran las historias de las 2 vidas anteriormente mencionadas, sabiendo las cosas que van detras de los hechos que uno cuenta luego, porque siempre que una historia esta contada desde un solo punto tenemos una perspectiva sola de la historia, en cambio teniendo ambas perspectivas, tomamos en cuenta lo que ambos sienten y piensan de un mismo hecho, y se hace interesante.
Yo preferi leerlo en ingles, antes que leer las traducciones que hacian o esperar unos meses mas, por el simple hecho que soy una persona que es muy impaciente, y luego tendria que volver a leer todos los libros para agarrarle de vuelta el hilo a la historia, para recordar cada hecho sucedido, sino, hubiera esperado a que llegara en español xD
Una cosa que me parece una lastima, es que midnight sun tarde en ser continuado, aunqe vaya a ser publicado por culpa de gente que se robo los borradores y los publico en internet, me parece una idea interesante saber el punto de vista de Edward, ya que en los primeros 3 libros solamente tenemos el punto de vista de Bella..pero hay que esperar, hay que esperar..igualmente estoy leyendo algunas partes que stephenie publico en su sitio :) les dejo los links :)

Aqui el primer capitulo de Midnight Sun en Ingles :)

Otro dia colgare la traduccion de este primer capitulo para quienes quieran leerlo :)

Acabo de terminar de leerlo, y ame el primer capitulo ♥ jajaja :) voy despidiendo..mañana subire mas cosas


Miss Bella

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

Goodbye Miss Rose... :)

si , es un poco triste el titulo no? pero no se preocupen xD no ha muerto...simplmente se ha mudado para ir a estudiar a otro lado, pero la verdad, es que le extrañamos mucho y por eso..yo Miss Bella, he deciidiido tomar un pequeño espacio de nuestro humiilde ( muuy humiilde xDD ) blog para mostrarselo ... :) si les gusta, mejor :D esto es un pequeño texto que escribi.. :)

Aliice + Rose + Victoria + Bella = Sexii Vampiires

si lo se, el titulo es bastante largo, pero lo representa todo...y bueno, la imagen de fondo puede parecer rara...pero esta geniiaal :D la hiizo Alice, la sexii vampiire inteliigente :P jajaja como jugamos con eso eh? :) ...despues esta Rose, la sexii vampiire hermosa :P ree diiosaa arre :$ te extraño Rosalie Hale :( ...despues esta sexii vampiire asesiinaa :O! ojoo...qe no los agarre Miss Victoria, esta muy vengativa ultimamente (L ...y, finalmente estoy yo...Miss Bella sexii vampiire...torpe? ¬¬ xDDD jajajaja...lo qe son las reuniones de las misses...y capaz no volvamos a tener otra reuniion de sexii vampiires en bastante tiempo :( aii no qiiero...porq te tuviste qe ir Rosee? :'( la qe yo, Alice y Victoria te estamos extrañando por demas :( y vos...disfrutando :@ no es asi...xDD el collage es de ellas 3 conmigo...y de las ultimas semanas qe pasamos juntas qe para mi fueron increiiblesss :D, los pijamas party rencuentro y el pijama party despediida...los dijes...nunca mas me saco el mio :) me lo van a sacar el dia que me muera, lo firmo aca en el blog xD :D de verdad chicas...nunca me voy a olvidar de ustedes, de las bobadas qe hicimos juntas...voy a menciionar algunas despues de que termine de escribir pero we...mas especiialemente para MISS ALICE qe es la qe jode conmigo xD...graciias por darme unos diias tan lindos :) qe espero no olviden, porqe yo no lo voy a hacer...son y van a ser siiempre mis biig sisters :'( miis sexii vampiires (h ---> nombre inventado por moii :P qiien mas? :P Bueno...yo se que esto es un quemo publiico...pero bueno xDD COSAS QUE RECUERDO HABER INVENTADO, HECHO O HABER BOLUDEADO CON LAS SEXII VAMPIIRES :P ( perdonen chicaaas x3 ) - Primero lo Princiipal...nuestros super apodos re sheshiiis ( xD ) =

Miss Aliice ~ Miss SinSalsa xD
Miss Rose ~ Princesa Rospy xD o sino...mmm Miss Chocolateee :D xD Miss Bella ~ ( aca va lo peor xD ) Princesa Ugly Trufa xD o Miss Torpella xDD no me acuerdo qiien lo dijo pero bueh xD Miss Victoria ~ Apodo no puesto aun...nada te qeda biien!! xDD - Miss Bella se durmio viendo una peli romantiica :$ aii qe teniia friiooo xDD...lo peor..le hablaba bajiito al oiido a Miss Victoria medio dormiidaa :$ - Gre Go Rio xDD ( todo con miss aliice ehh xD ) no...alto trauma nos ganamos nosotras ehh...pero nooo!! laarga viida al cuña nomaaas :D xDD jajajajaja aii no no :$ ojo qe se nos viene el...* Musiica de striip por favor ;) * chananaa nananaa xDDD aii no mii diios aliiicee :$ xDDD - Miss Chocolatee...todo innveenciion dee La Raniita Rospooo!!! :O nana, todo biien con vos..sabes qe te estiimo (LL jaja - Roseeee...haceme caballiiitooooo xDDDD te qiero muchisiiiimooo rosaliieee haleee mujer de emmeet el valeee..a mii me toco el leonciito sexiii xDDD :P - Ai no no...qe yo no soy una obejaaa qe miierda se creen xDDD jaja claro..nombrenme obeja nomas por mi pijamaa...claro todo cuadra para qe sea bella eehhh..." and so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." esteeee xDDD :P Bueh...finalizo...nosotras jodemos, boludeamos, nos peleamos...todo...pero es normal, las hermanas somos asi ;)

Las amo sexii vampiiresss (LL

Aliice + Rose + Victoria + Bella = Sexii Vampiires

By ~ Miss Bella Cullen

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

Frase y Entrevista

Frase del día 31/07/08

"Jacob: "I’ll kill you myself! I’ll do it now!"

Traducción: Te mataré yo mismo! Lo haré ahora! ~.*.~


A otra cosa...
Stephenie Meyer dijo en un video de MTV que en realidad las peliculas deberían ser cinco en lugar de cuatro. La división estaría en alguna parte del "Rompiendo el Amanecer", lo que por suerte no dicen. Espera también con ansias algunas escenas de las películas, según ha dicho:

“There’s so many things that would be interesting to see,” she said of “Twilight” sequel movies. “One of my favorite scenes of the whole series is in the tent in ‘Eclipse,’ the fire-and-ice chapter. Oh, do I want to see that! There’s a lot of things, visually, that are so much cooler than you can do in a book.”

“Bella cliff-diving would be really fun to watch,” she grinned. “Poor Kristen, the things I make her do!”

["Hay tantas cosas que será interesante de ver" dijo de la secuencia de películas "Una de mis escenas favoritas de toda la serie es en la carpa en 'Eclipse', El capítulo "Fuego e Hielo". Oh, como quiero ver eso! Hay muchas cosas, visualmente hablando, que son mucho más "cooles" que lo que se consigue en el libro"

"El salto de acantilado de Bella será muy divertido para ver. Pobre Kristen, las cosas que le hago hacer!"]

En realidad es solo una parte del total de la entrevista, lo próximo saldrá mañana. Si quieren ver lo de hoy pueden seguir el link:

Video MTV

Miss Victoria.

[Esta información, como todas, no es propiedad nuestra]

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

Love is Hell y frases

Como todos pueden ver estamos muy atrasadas con la información respecto a twilight, es que nadie quiere actualizar se ve... así que hoy voy a subir al menos esto:

Love is Hell

Ya esta la tapa de noches de baile en el infierno 2 y alguna otra información acerca del libro entre la cual se destaca que Meyer no formara parte de este libro y su publicación esta prevista para el 25 de noviembre de este año en EE UU.

Esta es la tapa:

Las frases que nos faltaban subir:
7) Edward: “You’re awfully small to be so hugely irritating.”
Frase en Español:
Edward: “Eres terriblemente pequeña para ser tan enormemente irritante.”
8) Bella: “Why am I covered in feathers?”
Bella: “¿Por qué estoy cubierta en plumas?”
9) Alice: “No one will dare to call you plain when I’m through with you.”
Bella: “Only because they’re afraid you’ll suck their blood.”
Alice: “Nadie se atreverá a llamarte simple cuando termine contigo.”
Bella: “Solo porque tienen miedo de que les chupes su sangre.”
10) Edward: “Oops.”
En Español:
Edward: “Uhps.”
11) “Renee: “Alice wouldn’t let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out.””
En español:
Reneé: “Alice no nos dejaría hacer otra cosa. Cada vez que lo intentamos, ella hizo todo menos abrirnos las gargantas”
12) “Edward: “Do you want me to sing to you? I’ll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.””
En español:
“Edward: “¿Quieres que cante para ti?. Cantaré toda la noche si eso mantiene lejos los malos sueños.”
13) Rosalie: “Over my pile of ashes.”
En español:
Rosalie: “Sobre mis cenizas” (capaz que una traduccion no tan literal seria sobre mi cadaver )
14) “Edward: “You look so guilty—like you’ve committed a crime.””
En español:
Edward: te ves tan culpable… como si hubieras cometido un crimen.
15) Sam: “This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area.”
En español:
Sam: “Esto no es algo que nuestro tratado anticipó. Esto es un peligro para todos los humanos en el área.”
16) “Rosalie: “I’d like to beat you dead.””
En español:
“Rosalie: “Me gustaría matarte a golpes.”"
17) Jasper: “I can’t understand. I can’t bear this.”
En Español
Jasper: “No puedo entenderlo. No puedo soprotar esto.”
18) “Seth: “You’ll hurt her. Let her go.””
En español:
Seth: “La vas a lastimar. Suéltala.”
19) Frase del día:
“Carlisle: “I’ve seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome.” ”
En español:
Carlisle: “He visto el veneno de vampiro obrar milagros, pero hay estados que ni el veneno puede mejorar.”
Miss Rose Hale

sábado, 19 de julio de 2008

The Mitch Hansen Band

Tal vez muchos la conozcan o hayan escuchado alguna de las canciones ya que las tenemos en el mini-ipod :P... y si, esta es una banda que inspira sus canciones en los libros de Stephenie.

Algo de lo que yo me enteré hace poco gracias a Miss Alice es que todos y el único miembro de esta banda es Mitch Hansen. Yo creyendo que eran más xP

Personalmente me encanta sus canciones, tanto las letras, como la música para la que usa siempre la guitarra *-* Las influencias en la música de Mitch:
  • Stephenie Meyer
  • Andy McKee ( I could never play like him, but he rules!)
  • Twilight Series
  • Our Lady Peace
  • Guster
  • The Freddy Jones Band
  • Alice in Chains
  • Three Days Grace
  • 311
  • System of a Down
  • Nickelback
  • Pearl Jam
  • Green Day
  • Marty O'Donnell
  • The Conn-Man
Dejo lás letras de las canciones de su disco, "Twilght Hour". Algunas están referidas a hechos, otras a personajes. Adivinen Twilighters!!


As she sits there so consumed
Does she even know the truth
Of what happened here tonight?
Does she remember who she was?
Brothers, sisters, parents?
Does she even have a name?
Will she change my mind?
Do I want to be that way?
Will it pass in time?
Will I want to every day?

Does the future that I want mean
Losing all the present?
I think in this case that it does
Though I picture myself there when
I see her tremble
The picture starts to fade away
Is it worth the price?
Will I make it past the pain?
Leave it all behind
Can I live an endless day?

She stares at me
Peircing my soul
Is it worth losing all I know?
She stares at me
How can I tell
A reflection of my future self?
I don't know


Being made of stone will make you strong
But I've been alone for oh so long
Then there you were a silent mind
And beauty that I thought I'd never find

Something Strange is happening
And I don't know what to do
I haven't felt my heart beat in over 90 years
I love the way you look at me
When you're thinking no one else can see
I feel like someone different when you're near

So sleep now and hold me tight
Everything will be alright
Just lay down and rest your waery eyes
Calm down, you're safe with me
I love you more than you can see
You need your rest and so I wrote you this

Could someone who has a soul
Have such a hard time staying in control
Eternity can wait a while
I'll miss the way you blush when you smile


Diamonds come and Diamonds go
There's one thing I'm sure I know
She will last forever
Her past is sketchy but that's alright
Just try to ruin her delight
Its a difficult endeavour

She doesn't walk she's always prancing
Only when she isn't dancing

You don't even know the things she can see
It'd be clearer if you made up your mind
Any chance she gets she'll throw a party
As ostentatious as you'll ever find
Share your woes she'll make them lighter
The future's bright, but she is brighter

She's not trapped in Wonderland
Its not hard to understand
They're more than premonitions
I'm not waiting for news reports
Forecasts are a last resort
What a wonderful condition

When she zones out its time for you to zone in
Because something big is going down


I loved those few months
I wish that things stayed the same
But all of that changed when
Your cold one came
For a moment I was your sun
But now he's back and
All I can do is run

Where did you go?
The girl that I know
Would never do this
We'll all grow old
And you'll have no soul
Is that you pure bliss?

Wake me up from this awful dream
If he changes you I think I'm gonna scream
Can't you see I'm not thinking of me
I'm just trying to save you from yourself


I can't remember when I've seen someone like you
You're captivating, its true
All eyes on you my dear they're stuck to you like glue
Anticipating each move
Grace beyond beauty
Mysterious, too
No wonder she hates me
It's cruel

There's a pain underneath her
That makes her just abit more than forlorn
And her hate is directed at me
Don't you see and so obviously
This Rose has thorns

In case you're wondering I'd like to be your friend
Your bitterness never ends
I hope the time comes soon when you can smile at me
I guess that all just depends
Tell me your story
Don't hold any back
Get out your baggage
Its time to unpack


This hole in my chest has been getting
The best of my life
That day in the woods
Hurt me more than any kind of pain
In this life ever should
What's the cause?
I guess I'll walk around in this
Empty shell of all that I was
Hold myself
Who else will?
Please be still

Get up off the floor and try
Never let them see you cry
You're swimming now but
Swans were maent to fly

And the chill of your touch
Never thought I'd miss the cold so much
Wrapped in stone
I felt at home
If only you knew that this hole
Was created by you.

I can't sleep
Dream of you
There you are
Its not true

I walk to the edge
I look at the see
I never imagined how easy it'd be
You give me no choice
To hear your voice
I feel so free
It's difficult way
To live out each day
I wonder where you are
But now here I come
Don't step in the sun
You're almost in my arms


Jacob Black
She's not coming back
La Push has come to shove
And she's through with you
don't you see
You're just a dog to me
If you come near her again
I'll eat you too

First you missed her
Then you kissed her
I'm just watching
You think you're fine
I'm waiting
Don't you screw up
Or you're mine

You're nothing but a dog
Its time for you to face the truth
You're nothing but a dog
And she's still way too good for you
Watch your back cause who knows what I'll do
Jacob Black I've got my eye on you

The other day
I thought I heard you say
May the best man win
But I see through your ploy
You might think
That you are on the brink
Of winning her love
But you are just a boy

You were there to save her life
When I was far away
Differences aside and
I'll say thank you anyway
The bigger man will shake your hand
And pretty soon you'll see
In your mind you're kissing her
In life she's kissing me


You won't believe how many things
Are wandering through my head
You're next to me its plain to see
That maybe you would like me dead
I see it in your eyes
They're as black as night
Here is the surprise:

One, I know it probably should chill me
Two, I think you probably want to kill me
Three, I know I want to spend my life with you
You'd never hurt me
And of all of these
The only one I fear is number 3

Here I go I'm on a roll
I want to know about you
Holy water, stakes in hearts
Tell me is it even true?


Can't you see my heart is heavy
Just because I know you're leaving
Sometimes I wish you could read my mind
Look at me I'm always lost,
But I am found and I can't believe it
There is just one more thing I have to ask

Stay with me for a while
Stay with me and I'll smile
Never leave and you'll see
Stay with me, will you please?

Drowning in a topaz sea and
Who knew death could be comforting
The blackness of the past is so far away
I see you and then it hits me
It's no wonder you eclipse me
Everything I wanted has come true

And so our paths have crossed
The lion and the lamb
Please tell me you'll never leave me
You're part of who I am


Every decade I've lived
I didn't know that I was waiting for you
Then out of nowhere you were there
Disrupting all I knew
I'm down on one knee
With one thing to ask
I'm begging you please to say "yes."

Welcome to something new
When two lives are joined to make one
She said "yes" and the best of
My endless life is to come

Hey, listen to the sound of my feet
Leaving the ground
Hey, love is the last thing
That I thought I would have found

Every breath that I take
I want to breathe you in
Your smile is so bright that
It feels like the sun
Shining on my skin


Its a simple thing
Losing me would hurt you so deeply
I see it in your ocher eyes
Don't let me be an eye blink
In you endless, sleepless eternity
You know you want me by your side

Please tell me why
Take my hand and stop all this debating
Please change your mind
The hourglass only offers so much waiting

Because I'm just one of those grains you see
Slipping down the neck of the bottle
Soon the top will be empty
And you'll be out of me

Its the hardest thing
There are too many Forks here in my road
Which is the path that I should choose
Inside my heart the answer's
Glinting, hinting, waiting for me to see
The road less traveled leads to you

Please tell me why
Take my hand and stop all this debating
Please change your mind
The hourglass only offers so much waiting

Because I'm just one of those grains you see
Slipping down the neck of the bottle
Soon the top will be empty
And you'll be out of me

Here in our meadow
I see you as you really are
Out of the shadows
You are my shining star

You're picturesque
Then there's me I'm always such a mess
That never makes you love me less
You offer me protection
When all I want is preservation
Please make the time stand still for me

Because I'm just one of those grains you see
Slipping down the neck of the bottle
Soon the top will be empty
And you'll be out of me


Blood and glass were all I could see
I never should’ve brought you into my family
I felt the same thirst that he felt,
But I’m a bit more kind
Leaving you was the only answer that I could find
Why did I go? (I don’t know)
I still love you, you know? (I know)
I started dying when the future saw you fall
Imagine how it crushed me after I made that phone call
My instincts took control, no thoughts of right or wrong
Believe me when I tell you that I thought that you were gone
I tried to think of how I’d stared again
But a world without you is not worth living in
It’s been so long since I’ve known pain
I felt it through your eyes that night among the trees and rain
Lying to you felt so strange
Of course I’ve always loved you and that will never change


I see her eyes on the water
Like staring down the barrel of a gun
I never wanted to be martyr
If I thought that it would help I’d try to run
I can’t believe it
It’s all my fault
I feel so helpless
Answer the call
She gave it all but I’d give, too
If it meant protecting you
Its not enough just to want to try
Stone in hand I’ll make my stand
It’s not a sacrifice
Just like the ThirdWife
If I was strong I would have fought her
Maybe I should have said my last goodbyes
I feel I’ve lead them to the slaughter
If I had the strength I probably would cry


Flower in the Shade
Life: It never turns out how you think
Floating through complacency
And then you start to sink
On the plane
I left behind the life I knew
Little did I know that
I’d be landing next to you
I’ll walk the walk I’ll fight the pain
Keep calling him by his first name
Basically a childhood friend
My porous heart sopped up the rain
Come wring it out so I can
Soak you in
Let the story begin….
From the desert to the trees
And from alone to you and me
I promise you I’ll always be
Just beyond the reach of the Sun
In the shade my life has finally begun
Consider this my fairest warning
Now that I’ve met you
I won’t ever let you go
This canopy has swallowed me
And I don’t ever want to leave
My life has moved from brown to green

Parte de la información fue extraída de la página oficial: The Mitch Hansen Band

Miss Victoria

jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

- Frases y anillo de Bella -

Quinta frase:

Bella: "Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?"

Bella: "Jasper? Que hacen los vampiros en las despedidas de soltero? No lo llevaras a un club de striptease, verdad?"

Sexta frase:

Charlie: "Bells, we're up to bat".

Charlie: "Bells, nos toca batear".

El anillo de compromiso de Bella:

Miss Rose Hale

martes, 15 de julio de 2008

Cuarta frase y nueva foto!

Cuarta frase:
Emmet: "Oooo, scary"

En español:
Emmet: "Oooo, espeluznante"

Foto nueva:

El vampiro más sexy!!! si!!! Edward super guapo!!!

Por que corre??? xD

Miss Rose Hale